PrismRBS User Group 2024

Spectrum 2024 Header Image

PrismRBS is excited to announce a new Spectrum experience for 2024.  We are taking our traditional three-day user group and breaking it into three sessions over the year.  

The goal of Spectrum Series 2024 is to simplify scheduling and engage with our customers throughout the year.  Each session will provide a unique, shared agenda and will be scheduled from 1:00 to 4:00 CDT.  The content provided will include product updates, industry trends, training opportunities, and vendor partner updates.  

We would love to hear your feedback on what you would like to see as part of Spectrum Series 2024. Please complete this survey to share your ideas.

Select the session dates below to save the date and register today:

Session 1 - 05.22.2024

COMPLETE – Session 1 – May 22, 2024

Session 1 Agenda

1:00 – 1:45 pm – Welcome to Spectrum 2024

PrismRBS Company Updates and Who is PrismRBS?

2:00 – 2:45 pm – Product and Roadmap Update

What’s New and What’s Coming?

3:00 – 3:45 pm – College Store Industry Trends

Challenges, Opportunities, & Ways to Succeed by Jon Bibo, ICBA

Session 2 - 07.17.2024

Session 2 – July 17, 2024

Register Here

Session 2 Agenda

1:00 – 1:30 pm – Welcome to Session 2

PrismRBS updates and introduction to Spectrum Series Session 2.

1:30 – 2:00 pm – Data Best Practices for Today and the Future

Whether you are new to a PrismRBS system or a long-time client, focus on clean data is a great way to maintain system performance, ensure staff efficiency, and simplify ongoing maintenance. In this session our staff will share best practices to manage data start to finish, including deactivation or purging of information that is no longer relevant to your store.

2:15 – 2:45 pm – Keeping Environments Current

Although cloud-hosted solutions significantly reduce the ownership of system maintenance, all stores still have some responsibility for environment updates. When considering users’ computers, mobile devices, peripherals, and cash registers, stores are responsible, in-part, for resource updates. Operating system patches, user management, and third-party client applications are some of the functions that are your responsibility.

This session will offer guidance regarding ongoing maintenance to ensures applications function as expected, updates are applied smoothly, and transitions to new technologies are streamlined.

2:45 – 3:45 pm – Support Processes

This session will provide some visibility into what happens behind the PrismRBS support desk and offer guidance about how to request and receive assistance. Beginning with ways to stay continuously informed, your PrismRBS representatives will share tips to ensure that your concerns are captured along with self-help resources that may provide solutions quickly.

Session 3 - 11.06.2024

Session 3 – Nov 6, 2024

Register Here

Session 3 Agenda

To be announced..

For questions and sponsor inquiries, please email
